Guess who’s GoHing to Westercon?

Nicola and I will be Author Guests of Honor at Westercon 66 in Sacramento, CA in July 2013. It’s our first joint gig as GoHs — we’re excited! And we are honored to be honored by one of the oldest conventions in science fiction and fantasy.

For four days, we’ll be talking on panels, doing readings and Q&A, having conversations, and hanging out with SF/F fans. We will do programming as a couple and as individuals, so folks will have the chance to experience us in a variety of ways. There will probably be drinking involved . And dancing! And also some As Yet To Be Determined Cool Things. We’re planning to work hard, have fun, and connect with as many con-goers as we can.

It will be a blast. Go find out more about membership, and come con with us in 2013!

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