In the spirit of full disclosure, I cribbed most of this text from various posts that Nicola has done. Because I am that lazy! And because she says it so well.
Sunday 24th June, 11 a.m. Seattle time (which is 2 p.m. for folks on the East Coast, and 7 p.m for those in the UK): Clarion West’s first ever Write-a-thon Tweetchat! Hashtag = #writeathon.
This is the place to come and let us know how you’re doing. What you’ve learned. What you hope someone can help you answer.
Nicola will be running the chat, and will be interviewing me as the special guest. We’ll talk about how to keep writing day after day, and how to persuade people to sponsor you. And any other questions you may have! We’ll also have Clarion West staff and volunteers standing by to help with any practical or logistics issues.
But mainly it is my hope that you’ll drop by and talk to each other. Writing can be a solitary business–but in the Write-a-thon we have 228 (the final total after the dust has settled) writers from all over the world aiming for the same goal: to get words on the page and money into the Clarion West bank account. We’re a community. We can help each other.
I recommend you download the twitter client Tweetchat which inserts the #writeathon hashtag automatically and refreshes quickly. That means we can talk faster
Look forward to chatting with you on Sunday.
Enjoy your day.
I’ll be there! I need to set Ladybug Egg Timer (twice) to remind me!
Great! Talk to you later!