He’s so dreamy

I know, I know, another video. But my fantasy boyfriend Johnny Depp has a new movie! I am so excited! You may now take a moment to imagine Nicola rolling her eyes and being patient…

… except I think she just might like this one too (*winks at sweetie through the internet*).


Write-a-thon running total: 2,660 words out of 12,000. This is where tracking wordcount gets a little depressing: because I find my way in by writing and revising, I go through phases where I make no apparent progress. But it’s interesting how different the story already is from those first 500 words. I’m already finding unexpected directions, ideas, resonances… and exploring them takes words and time, and much of it doesn’t work out right for the story I’m telling.

I don’t count that as a waste at all, but I know some writers who do. Shrug. To me, it’s part of the process, and it’s one reason that wordcount tracking makes me feel impatient. Sadly, I know of no objective way to measure “soundness of story” as a daily accomplishment. So I guess we’ll just stick with wordcount.

Wrestling with tense is part of this process. First person is these days by far the common voice of YA, and it’s absolutely right for this story. The choice of present or past tense is more problematic. Present tense is all the vogue and works wonderfully well in many storytelling situations. But it’s also quite limiting and can sometimes be unbearably precious. Past tense is the traditional storytelling tense for very good reasons, and is a much more flexible writing tool than present tense. So I am playing right now with tense to see where I want to land. It’s an exercise in nuance, and I find it challenging and interesting.

And as promised, we have met an Important Character, although not the one I was expecting to bring into the scene. Isn’t that just the way? *Throws up hands and goes off to have a shower*

Enjoy your day.

3 thoughts on “He’s so dreamy”

  1. When I saw the title I first thought of a one-season sitcom from the mid-Sixties with Tim Conway called “Rango”—he played an inept Texas Ranger and I recall that it was a feast of sight-gags and Tim Conway at his goofiest and oddball best.

    This looks…different.

  2. I thought Tim Conway was brilliant in The Carol Burnett Show. They all were — made me laugh my socks off for years. Conway was equally fantastic at goofy and at puzzled straight-man…..

    Good times.

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