Site rescue by Wordfence

A shoutout to the folks at Wordfence who cleaned up my site files after an insidious malware attack that has kept this space blank for more than a month.

You know when the Old People settle in around the fire and nod sagely as they tell the Young Folk to always keep a carbon copy of their story before they send it out in the mail? Or always make a backup file? Or don’t get all exuberant about adding plugins to your self-hosted site and inadvertently invite some Bad Scripts in? All those things, kids.

So Wordfence cleaned up the mess and I’m now running their security plugin and I will Never Fail To Update My Damn Files Again. They are great to work with if you should ever find yourself in a similar situation, which I hope you never do. Thanks oodles to the people who send out malicious code for this learning opportunity. I sincerely hope that this ends the lesson.

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