Nicola, who wants me to be my best self and loves me even when I’m not. Who writes like a murrain, or a bolt of lightning, or a jackdaw flying outward, outward and then home. Thank you, Nicola.
Kindness. So many people have been kind to me in small and large ways. Kindness is love, whether between best-known people or between strangers. If you don’t think strangers can love each other, go out and do a random act of kindness and see how it feels. And if people have been kind to you this year in any way at all, then I am happy for you, and I hope it has mattered as much to you as it has to me. Kind people have saved me this year by giving me so many chances to experience the impact of love in the everyday world. Thank you, kind people.
Writing. I haven’t told nearly all the stories I want to, but they are as strong inside me as a sun. Nuclear. My deep well of story and the dizzying, terrifying, exultant internal life it gives me is the oldest part of me. Other people love me for what I do, mostly — that’s what relationship is, after all, people in action with each other: I love myself for what I am when I am alive with story. Thank you, story-Kelley, for not giving up when the rest of the committee insists that of course you are important, but we’re a little busy right now and we’ll get to you real soon, we promise.
Life. I am doing and feeling and thinking and being a person with a life! My life! Thank you, life!
Also, I am thankful for sea salt, good red wine, tuna casserole, Zumba, all my fierce fabulous family and friends, kittens on the internet, the Grand Canyon, my tattoo, all the things that worked when they were supposed to, all the things that made me reconsider my own bullshit, all the things that I decided aren’t bullshit after all because my life!, laughing with other people so hard that it becomes one of the Great Laughs, conversations, hope, love, joy, breakfast tea with milk… The tea with milk I can get myself. The rest depends on other people. Thank you, all you other people.
And you’re welcome.
Enjoy your day.