Gender 101

Thanks to Cheryl Morgan for this cogent post on Gender 101. Read it, share it.

And with that I love you and leave you, as the English say: today is a Day of Many Errands, and so here I go, run run run on the outside but peaceful on the inside, into the mist that looks determined to hang on as long as it can. Into September. I will be thinking about life and love and story and work, about choices, about the funny squeaking sound the car is making right now, about eggs over easy, about the sass of Seattle crows, and every time I hear someone laugh, I will be happy.

Enjoy your day.

2 thoughts on “Gender 101”

  1. I didn’t have time to read Gender 101 yet, but I did want to say that I really liked what you were thinking here too. I’ve been listening for the sound of laughter today. So far nothing, but the day isn’t over yet…

  2. Personally, I practice gender *eu*phoria. I’m not in the least bit confused – I know I’m genetically one but mentally both. I don’t really understand why the concept of ‘confusion’ has to come into it, unless it’s because the “experts” are confused about people having to be one or the other. I’m me and I don’t really give a damn what anyone thinks. I’m perfectly happy with it.

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